Blown away (and hello!)

Hello people!

I’ve not yet played with openrndr (learned about it yesterday), but I’m really looking forward to it, because I’m completely blown away!
This is one of the first projects where I look at the gradle build and don’t get the feeling that I need to improve it immediately. Instead, I’ve looked at the orx repository and was delighted to see so many neat and clever things :heart_eyes:
From the up-to-date kotlin an gradle versions, expertise in the kotlin, kmm and gradle eco-systems and the amount (and quality) of the extensions.
There’s so muuuuuch quality of life here: keyframing, immediate mode GUI, SDF, CSG, live-reloading, shader imports, audio (and FFT) and soooo much more :heart:

I’ve also watched several videos of abe and Alessandro and enjoyed them quite a lot, thank you for making these. They are fun to watch and easy to follow; for me, at least, because I know kotlin and have experience with geometry.
Thank you for making this; I really hope that I can find some time to play with this, soon!

see you soon


Hi @einsweniger , welcome!
Thanks for the nice feedback on the conversations @abe and I record, I’m glad you are enjoying them. :slight_smile:

Hi -1! :slight_smile: Welcome to the forum! Super nice to read your feedback, thank you! I’m looking forward to see what you create :slight_smile: