Hello from Paris

Hi everyone! A colleague of mine sent me the RNDR studio website cause she suspected I’d like the works, and it turns out I’ve fell into the Open RNDR rabbit hole from there. I go by @Neurotypique pretty much everywhere so I if we’ve crossed paths on Instagram for instance :wave:.

I come from graphic design and art direction, climbed my way into code through Touchdesigner, pico-8 and processing / P5.js, so I wasn’t aware of any other frameworks or languages besides the really popular ones.

Thanks again to @edwin for helping me setup on the Slack, I wouldn’t have manage by myself and I’m learning and trying stuff since friday night :slight_smile:

I have 2 main goals with this,
the main one is building tools for visual identity systems because it doesn’t make much sense to design open ended identities without empowering the client with their own custom tool. I tried that in processing with a UI that could change palette, load image, put title and text in the right font, export png, svg and mp4 but exporting into an app proved difficult and inconsistent across platforms. I hope to become a little more aware of what I’m actually doing with OpenRNDR and Kotlin, Processing is frustrating for me because I know that outside this little protected garden my knowledge ins’t transferrable.

My second goal is to be able to build VJing and audiovisual interractive apps/experiences like I do in TouchDesigner, using CV (control voltage generated by modular synthesizers), MIDI and OSC; and have the result shareable with a friend, client, another of my devices. Touchdesigner is awesome but not being able to export (not render) is a shame for some use cases.

I hope to be able to engage meaningfully once I get the fundamentals, I’m really liking Kotlin’s syntax and how easy it is to search Kotlin and OpenRNDRs’ available functions.

Until the I’ll read and learn :dotted_line_face:


Hello @Neurotypique !

Nice to read your introduction! It motivates me to write my own, which I haven’t written yet.

Welcome to the forum and community. We’ll be here to help when you need :wink:

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