Hello, Community

Came here because I’m seriously moved by what the framework is capable of, and the expressivity one gets with OPENRNDR in particular and Kotlin in general. Thanks for your dedication.

I work on generative systems mainly for myself and loved ones, and it would be great to learn more about OPENRNDR so I can develop more tools for my local community, here in Mexico City, and hopefully give back to this awesome community-driven project in every possible way (I’m thinking maybe spanish translation of the guide, for starters, if it’s something on the checklist).

Currently employing OPENRNDR in a project that involves digitization of mexican traditional textile works for archiving purposes at THE museum for such a task, happy to share with you my excitement!

That’s it for now. Hope all of you are well.


Hola! Bienvenido al foro y gracias por escribir! :slight_smile:

Nice to read about your museum project! Any chance of seeing images?
I’m curious about those textiles :slight_smile:

About translating the guide… I have contributed in English. I wonder how to make the guide multi-language and specially how to keep it in sync when the English version is later updated. The source code for the guide is at here. A simple approach would be to fork the whole project, but that would not be good later to track changes. Another option would be that each source file contains all languages, which may work when having just 2 or 3 languages, but with more it might get complicated. Maybe a first step is to figure out what is the workflow for multi-language guides in other frameworks.

These days it should be much easier to translate content using deepl for example, at least as a rough version so no need to type every single word from scratch :slight_smile: