Gradle problem after git clone

I want to try OPENRNDR. I have a macbook pro m1.
I have IntelliJ Ultimate Idea (I’m a professional developer). After cloning with Intellij the template IntelliJ shows an error (I upload an image because log is to big to post):

I don’t know what is the problem? Can somebody help me?

Thanks in advance!

Welcome to the forum! And a pity that it didn’t work for you right away. I have asked in Slack why this can be happening.

Meanwhile if you can’t wait you could:

  1. clone openrndr core
  2. build it with ./gradlew -Prelease.version=0.5.1-SNAPSHOT publishToMavenLocal
  3. clone the orx extensions
  4. build them with ./gradlew -Prelease.version=0.5.1-SNAPSHOT publishToMavenLocal
  5. Set openrndrUseSnapshot and orxUseSnapshot to true in your openrndr-template/settings.gradle.kts
  6. Reload gradle
  7. Try to run openrndr-template/src/main/kotlin/TemplateProgram.kt

But it’s also fine to wait for a reply :slight_smile:

Note: the commands for publishing to maven local have changed.

Hello there, newbie here as well! :slight_smile:
Just commenting to say that I get the exact same screen as OP. I’m on Windows 10 and IntelliJ Idea.

I can’t seem to reproduce the error. Can you confirm your openrndr-template build.gradle.kts contains the following lines:

My build.gradle.kts does contains the lines, yes.

Okay, it works now, here’s what I did: In File → Settings → Builds, Execution, Deployment → Gradle I had to select the Gradle JVM to match with the SDK selected in File → Project Structure → Project (OpenJDK version 16 in my case). Notice that the SDK had to be selected as well at the beginning.
I don’t know if it’s a weird Windows situation…

I had the same issue. I found a fix by removing the orx-git-archiver plugin. I made an issue here. :slight_smile:


Hi again!
Thanks for the replies.
Now, if you clone the repository, gradle ends successfully.

But when you runs “./gradlew run” appears another error and don’t start:

➜  openrndr-template git:(master) ./gradlew run
Starting a Gradle Daemon, 1 incompatible Daemon could not be reused, use --status for details

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring root project 'openrndr-template'.
> Could not resolve all files for configuration ':classpath'.
   > Could not resolve org.openrndr.extra:orx-git-archiver-gradle:0.4.1.
     Required by:
         project : > org.openrndr.extra.gitarchiver.tomarkdown:org.openrndr.extra.gitarchiver.tomarkdown.gradle.plugin:0.4.1
      > No matching variant of org.openrndr.extra:orx-git-archiver-gradle:0.4.1 was found. The consumer was configured to find a runtime of a library compatible with Java 8, packaged as a jar, and its dependencies declared externally, as well as attribute 'org.gradle.plugin.api-version' with value '7.5.1' but:
          - Variant 'apiElements' capability org.openrndr.extra:orx-git-archiver-gradle:0.4.1 declares a library, packaged as a jar, and its dependencies declared externally:
              - Incompatible because this component declares an API of a component compatible with Java 11 and the consumer needed a runtime of a component compatible with Java 8
              - Other compatible attribute:
                  - Doesn't say anything about org.gradle.plugin.api-version (required '7.5.1')
          - Variant 'javadocElements' capability org.openrndr.extra:orx-git-archiver-gradle:0.4.1 declares a runtime of a component, and its dependencies declared externally:
              - Incompatible because this component declares documentation and the consumer needed a library
              - Other compatible attributes:
                  - Doesn't say anything about its target Java version (required compatibility with Java 8)
                  - Doesn't say anything about its elements (required them packaged as a jar)
                  - Doesn't say anything about org.gradle.plugin.api-version (required '7.5.1')
          - Variant 'runtimeElements' capability org.openrndr.extra:orx-git-archiver-gradle:0.4.1 declares a runtime of a library, packaged as a jar, and its dependencies declared externally:
              - Incompatible because this component declares a component compatible with Java 11 and the consumer needed a component compatible with Java 8
              - Other compatible attribute:
                  - Doesn't say anything about org.gradle.plugin.api-version (required '7.5.1')
          - Variant 'sourcesElements' capability org.openrndr.extra:orx-git-archiver-gradle:0.4.1 declares a runtime of a component, and its dependencies declared externally:
              - Incompatible because this component declares documentation and the consumer needed a library
              - Other compatible attributes:
                  - Doesn't say anything about its target Java version (required compatibility with Java 8)
                  - Doesn't say anything about its elements (required them packaged as a jar)
                  - Doesn't say anything about org.gradle.plugin.api-version (required '7.5.1')

* Try:
> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
> Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
> Run with --scan to get full insights.

It was my problem.
I adjust project’s java version to 17 and it works!
Thanks a lot!
I’m going to start practicing with OPENRNDR!