Example of an audio player with FFT

Sharing here a post by @edwin:

If anyone is interested in an OGG player with:

  • pretty good support for seeking and play position queries
  • frequency spectrum analysis through fft
  1. Code: extend(AudioPlayer()) { }
  2. Add the dependencies mentioned in the comments of AudioPlayer.kt
  3. Make sure you have a data/audio/audio.ogg file present in your project.


Be sure to add these in build.gradle.kts in dependencies { }



package audio

import org.bytedeco.fftw.global.fftw3
import org.bytedeco.fftw.global.fftw3.fftw_execute
import org.bytedeco.fftw.global.fftw3.fftw_plan_dft_1d
import org.bytedeco.javacpp.DoublePointer
import org.bytedeco.javacpp.Loader
import org.lwjgl.openal.*
import org.lwjgl.openal.AL10.AL_GAIN
import org.lwjgl.openal.AL10.AL_PITCH
import org.lwjgl.stb.STBVorbis
import org.lwjgl.stb.STBVorbisInfo
import org.lwjgl.system.MemoryStack
import org.lwjgl.system.MemoryUtil
import org.openrndr.Extension
import org.openrndr.Program
import org.openrndr.color.ColorRGBa
import org.openrndr.draw.Drawer
import org.openrndr.draw.isolated
import org.openrndr.events.Event
import org.openrndr.events.listen
import java.io.File
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.nio.ByteOrder
import java.nio.IntBuffer
import java.nio.ShortBuffer
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import kotlin.concurrent.thread
import kotlin.math.abs

interface ProgressUpdater {
    fun makeCurrent(current: Boolean)
    fun updateProgress()

fun hannWindow(i: Int, size: Int): Double {
    return 0.5 * (1.0 - Math.cos((2.0 * Math.PI * i) / size))

fun DoubleArray.sum(start: Int, end: Int): Double {
    var sum = 0.0
    for (i in start until end) {
        sum += this.getOrNull(i) ?: 0.0
    return sum

fun DoubleArray.hannSum(start: Int, end: Int): Double {
    if (end - start <= 0) {
        return 0.0
    var sum = 0.0
    for (i in start until end) {
        sum += (this.getOrNull(i) ?: 0.0) * hannWindow(i - start, end - start)
    return sum

object AudioSystem {
    val device: Long = ALC10.alcOpenDevice(null as ByteBuffer?)
    val context: Long = ALC10.alcCreateContext(device, null as IntBuffer?).also {
    val deviceCaps: ALCCapabilities = ALC.createCapabilities(device)
    val caps = AL.createCapabilities(deviceCaps)
    fun destroy() {

class VorbisTrack(filePath: String, val bufferSize: Int) {
    private var encodedAudio: ByteBuffer? = null
    private var handle: Long = 0
    var channels = 0
    var sampleRate = 0
    val samplesLength: Int
    val samplesSec: Float
    val sampleIndex: AtomicInteger

    private var audioRenderer: AudioRenderer? = null
    private var audioThread: Thread? = null

    private val playing = AtomicBoolean(false)
    private val stopRequested = AtomicBoolean(false)

    private val cuePoints: MutableMap<Double, Event<VorbisTrack>> = mutableMapOf()

    val monoSamples: DoubleArray
        get() {
            return audioRenderer?.activeMonoSamples() ?: DoubleArray(bufferSize / 2)

    fun duration(): Double {
        return samplesSec.toDouble()

    fun cue(time: Double): Event<VorbisTrack> {

        val e = Event<VorbisTrack>()
        if (time >= 0.0) {
            cuePoints[time] = e
        } else {
            cuePoints[duration() + time] = e
        return e

    var gain = 1.0
        set(value) {
            field = value
            if (audioRenderer != null) {
    var pitch = 1.0
        set(value) {
            field = value
            if (audioRenderer != null) {

    val finished = Event<VorbisTrack>("finished")

    fun play(initialGain: Double? = null, loop: Boolean = false) {

        if (initialGain != null) {
            gain = initialGain

        if (!playing.get()) {
            if (audioThread == null) {
                audioThread = thread(isDaemon = true) {
                    audioRenderer = AudioRenderer(this, bufferSize)
                    val progressUpdater = audioRenderer!!.progressUpdater
                    if (!audioRenderer!!.play(gain)) {
                    while (!stopRequested.get()) {
                        val haveWork = audioRenderer!!.update(loop)

                        val p = position()
                        val toTrigger = cuePoints.filterKeys { it <= p }
                        toTrigger.toList().sortedBy { it.first }.forEach {
                        cuePoints.keys.removeIf { it <= p }
                        if (!haveWork) {


                    println("finished $this, triggering event")

    fun stop() {
        if (playing.get()) {

    private fun ioResourceToByteBuffer(filePath: String, blockSize: Int): ByteBuffer {
        val path = Paths.get(filePath)
        if (Files.isReadable(path)) {
            Files.newByteChannel(path).use { fc ->
                val buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(fc.size().toInt() + 1)
                while (fc.read(buffer) != -1) {
                return buffer

        error("could not load $filePath")

    init {

        encodedAudio = ioResourceToByteBuffer(filePath, 256 * 1024)
        MemoryStack.stackPush().use { stack ->
            val error: IntBuffer = stack.mallocInt(1)
            handle = STBVorbis.stb_vorbis_open_memory(encodedAudio, error, null)
            if (handle == org.lwjgl.system.MemoryUtil.NULL) {
                throw RuntimeException("Failed to open Ogg Vorbis file. Error: " + error[0])
            val info: STBVorbisInfo = STBVorbisInfo.malloc(stack)
            channels = info.channels()
            sampleRate = info.sample_rate()
        samplesLength = STBVorbis.stb_vorbis_stream_length_in_samples(handle)
        samplesSec = STBVorbis.stb_vorbis_stream_length_in_seconds(handle)
        this.sampleIndex = AtomicInteger(0)

    fun destroy() {

    fun progressBy(samples: Int) {
        sampleIndex.set(sampleIndex.get() + samples)

    fun setSampleIndex(sampleIndex: Int) {

    fun rewind() {

    fun skip(direction: Int) {
                Math.max(0, STBVorbis.stb_vorbis_get_sample_offset(handle) + direction * sampleRate),

    fun skipTo(offset0to1: Float) {
        seek(Math.round(samplesLength * offset0to1))

    fun relativePosition(): Double {
        return sampleIndex.get().toDouble() / samplesLength

    fun position(): Double {
        return sampleIndex.get().toDouble() / sampleRate

    // called from audio thread
    fun getSamples(pcm: ShortBuffer): Int {
        return STBVorbis.stb_vorbis_get_samples_short_interleaved(handle, channels, pcm)

    // called from UI thread
    private fun seek(sampleIndex: Int) {
        STBVorbis.stb_vorbis_seek(handle, sampleIndex)

    private fun print(info: STBVorbisInfo) {
//        println("stream length, samples: " + STBVorbis.stb_vorbis_stream_length_in_samples(handle))
//        println("stream length, seconds: " + STBVorbis.stb_vorbis_stream_length_in_seconds(handle))
//        println()
        STBVorbis.stb_vorbis_get_info(handle, info)
//        println("channels = " + info.channels())
//        println("sampleRate = " + info.sample_rate())
//        println("maxFrameSize = " + info.max_frame_size())
//        println("setupMemoryRequired = " + info.setup_memory_required())
//        println("setupTempMemoryRequired() = " + info.setup_temp_memory_required())
//        println("tempMemoryRequired = " + info.temp_memory_required())

class AudioRenderer internal constructor(private val track: VorbisTrack, val bufferSize: Int) {
    private var format: Int = 0

    private val source: Int
    private val buffers: IntBuffer
    private var bufferList: List<Int> = emptyList()
    private val pcm: ShortBuffer
    var plan: fftw3.fftw_plan? = null

    var bufferOffset: Long = 0 // offset of last processed buffer
    var offset: Long = 0 // bufferOffset + offset of current buffer
    var lastOffset: Long = 0 // last offset update
    val monoSampleBuffers = List<DoubleArray>(2) { DoubleArray(bufferSize / 2) }

    fun activeMonoSamples(): DoubleArray {
        return monoSampleBuffers[ringIndex % 2]

    init {
        when (track.channels) {
            1 -> format = AL10.AL_FORMAT_MONO16
            2 -> format = AL10.AL_FORMAT_STEREO16
            else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported number of channels: " + track.channels)
//        device = ALC10.alcOpenDevice(null as ByteBuffer?)
//        if (device == MemoryUtil.NULL) {
//            throw IllegalStateException("Failed to open the default device.")
//        }
//        context = ALC10.alcCreateContext(device, null as IntBuffer?)
//        if (context == MemoryUtil.NULL) {
//            throw IllegalStateException("Failed to create an OpenAL context.")
//        }

        pcm = MemoryUtil.memAllocShort(bufferSize)

        source = AL10.alGenSources()
        AL10.alSourcei(source, SOFTDirectChannels.AL_DIRECT_CHANNELS_SOFT, AL10.AL_TRUE)
        buffers = MemoryUtil.memAllocInt(2)
        bufferList = listOf(buffers.get(0), buffers.get(1))


    fun destroy() {


    private fun stream(buffer: Int, ringIndex: Int): Int {
        var samples: Int = 0
        while (samples < bufferSize) {
            val samplesPerChannel: Int = track.getSamples(pcm)
            if (samplesPerChannel == 0) {
            samples += samplesPerChannel * track.channels
        if (samples != 0) {
            var o = 0
            for (i in 0 until samples / 2) {
                monoSampleBuffers[ringIndex][i] =
                    ((pcm.get(o) / Short.MAX_VALUE.toDouble()) + (pcm.get(o + 1) / Short.MAX_VALUE.toDouble()))
                o += 2
            AL10.alBufferData(buffer, format, pcm, track.sampleRate)
        return samples

    var signal: DoublePointer? = null
    var result: DoublePointer? = null
    fun play(gain: Double? = null): Boolean {

        if (gain != null) {

        for (i in 0 until buffers.limit()) {
            if (stream(buffers.get(i), bufferList.indexOf(buffers.get(i))) == 0) {
                return false
        AL10.alSourceQueueBuffers(source, buffers)
        return true

    fun pause() {

    fun stop() {

    fun gain(gain: Double) {
        AL10.alSourcef(source, AL_GAIN, gain.toFloat())

    fun pitch(pitch: Double) {
        AL10.alSourcef(source, AL_PITCH, pitch.toFloat())

    var ringIndex = 0
    fun update(loop: Boolean): Boolean {
        val processed: Int = AL10.alGetSourcei(source, AL10.AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED)
        ringIndex += processed
        for (i in 0 until processed) {
            bufferOffset += (bufferSize / track.channels).toLong()
            val buffer: Int = AL10.alSourceUnqueueBuffers(source)

            if (stream(buffer, bufferList.indexOf(buffer)) == 0) {
                var shouldExit: Boolean = true
                if (loop) {
                    bufferOffset = 0
                    offset = bufferOffset
                    lastOffset = offset
                    shouldExit = stream(buffer, bufferList.indexOf(buffer)) == 0
                if (shouldExit) {
                    return false
            AL10.alSourceQueueBuffers(source, buffer)
        if (processed == 2) {
        return true

    val progressUpdater: ProgressUpdater
        get() = object : ProgressUpdater {
            override fun makeCurrent(current: Boolean) {
                EXTThreadLocalContext.alcSetThreadContext(if (current) AudioSystem.context else MemoryUtil.NULL)

            override fun updateProgress() {
                offset = bufferOffset + AL10.alGetSourcei(source, AL11.AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET)
                track.progressBy((offset - lastOffset).toInt())
                lastOffset = offset


class AudioPlayer : Extension {
    override var enabled = true
    var audioFile = "data/audio/audio.ogg"

    var duration = 0.0
    var loop = false
    var drawProgress = true
    var useAudioClock = true
    var useScrub = true
    var showProgress = true
    var showSpectrum = true
    var bufferSize = 4096
    var fftDivide = 8
    var smoothFactor = 0.5

    val loader = Loader.load(fftw3::class.java)
    val fftSignal = DoublePointer(((bufferSize / 2) / fftDivide) * 2L)
    val fftResult = DoublePointer(((bufferSize / 2) / fftDivide) * 2L)
    val plan = fftw_plan_dft_1d(
        (bufferSize / 2) / fftDivide, fftSignal, fftResult,
        fftw3.FFTW_FORWARD, fftw3.FFTW_ESTIMATE

    val fftResultArray = DoubleArray((bufferSize / 2) / fftDivide)

    val smoothSpectrum = DoubleArray((bufferSize / 2) / fftDivide)

    var vt: VorbisTrack? = null

    private var frameTime = 0.0

    val audio: VorbisTrack
        get() {
            return vt ?: error("no active audio")

    val spectrum: DoubleArray
        get() {

            return fftResultArray

    override fun setup(program: Program) {

        val f = File(audioFile)
        require(f.exists()) { "file '${audioFile}' does not exist" }

        vt = VorbisTrack(audioFile, bufferSize)
        vt?.play(loop = loop)
        if (useScrub) {
            listOf(program.mouse.buttonUp, program.mouse.dragged).listen {
                val dx = it.position.x / program.width
        if (useAudioClock) {
            program.clock = { vt?.position() ?: 0.0 }

    override fun beforeDraw(drawer: Drawer, program: Program) {
        for (i in 0 until audio.monoSamples.size / fftDivide) {
                (i * 2).toLong(),
                audio.monoSamples[i * fftDivide] * hannWindow(i, (bufferSize / 2) / fftDivide)
            fftSignal.put((i * 2 + 1).toLong(), 0.0)
        //fftSignal.put(audio.monoSamples, 0, 4096)

        for (i in 0 until (bufferSize / 2) / fftDivide) {
            fftResultArray[i] = fftResult.get((i * 2).toLong())
        for (i in 0 until smoothSpectrum.size) {
            smoothSpectrum[i] = smoothSpectrum[i] * smoothFactor + fftResultArray[i] * (1.0 - smoothFactor)


    override fun afterDraw(drawer: Drawer, program: Program) {
        if (showProgress) {
            drawer.isolated {
                val dx = (vt?.relativePosition() ?: 0.0).coerceIn(0.0, 1.0)
                drawer.rectangle(10.0, drawer.height - 20.0, (drawer.width - 20.0) * dx, 10.0)
                val time = program.seconds
                drawer.text(String.format("%.2f", time), 15.0 + (drawer.width - 20.0) * dx, drawer.height - 11.0)

        if (showSpectrum) {
            drawer.isolated {
                drawer.stroke = null
                var active = -1
                drawer.rectangles {
                    for (i in 0 until spectrum.size / 2) {
                        val dx = abs(program.mouse.position.x - (i.toDouble() * 2.0 + 1.0))
                        if (dx <= 1.0) {
                            active = i
                            fill = ColorRGBa.RED
                        } else {
                            fill = ColorRGBa.WHITE
                        rectangle(i.toDouble() * 2.0, drawer.height - 40.0, 2.0, -abs(spectrum[i] * 4.0))
                if (active != -1) {
                    drawer.text(active.toString(), program.mouse.position.x, height - 34.0 + 10.0)


Bytedeco FFTW does not yet support ARM based Mac computers. Once it does this may become an orx extension. I shared it here in its current form in case you can’t wait :musical_keyboard: :musical_note: :bar_chart: :slight_smile:

Feel free to share below a simple hello world program using the code above.


I’ve shared my experiences with Minim and TarsosDSP in the past.

Both have there ups and downs, and both are too specific/clunky for OPENRNDR to become an orx.

  • Minim lacks performance and is not supported well enough
  • TarsosDSP as a research effort has been performant and extensive, but fidely and poorly documented.

I’d love to see a clean solution, that is maintained.
Not sure where OpenAL fits into the picture, it’s probably too low-level.