Playing a simple MP3 file

I’m working on a project that has to load a MP3 file and play it along with loaded images and videos. I stumped on the fact that OPENRNDR doesn’t handle MP3 files and came up with a workaround. I don’t think this is the ideal solution, but it works.

In build.gradle.kts we should add:

plugins {
    id("org.openjfx.javafxplugin") version "0.1.0"

javafx {
    version = "22.0.1"

And here is the code for a simple program that plays the audio file. Note that as JavaFX doesn’t have native MP3 support, I’m using FFmpeg to convert the MP3 file to a WAV file and play it.

The program also checks if there is already a WAV file with the same name of the MP3 file. If there is, it plays the WAV file directly, without converting.

import org.openrndr.application
import javax.sound.sampled.*
import kotlin.concurrent.thread

class AudioPlayer(private val mp3FilePath: String) {
    private var clip: Clip? = null
    private var isPlaying = false
    private val wavFilePath: String

    init {
        val mp3File = File(mp3FilePath)
        wavFilePath = mp3File.parent + File.separator + mp3File.nameWithoutExtension + ".wav"

    fun play() {
        if (!isPlaying) {
            thread {
                try {
                    if (!File(wavFilePath).exists()) {

                    val audioInputStream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(File(wavFilePath))
                    clip = AudioSystem.getClip()
                    isPlaying = true
                    println("Playing audio: $wavFilePath")
                    clip?.addLineListener { event ->
                        if (event.type == LineEvent.Type.STOP) {
                            isPlaying = false
                            println("Audio playback finished")
                } catch (e: Exception) {
                    println("Error playing audio: ${e.message}")

    private fun convertToWav() {
        try {
            println("Converting MP3 to WAV...")
            val process = ProcessBuilder("ffmpeg", "-i", mp3FilePath, wavFilePath)
            process.inputStream.bufferedReader().use { it.readText() }
            println("Conversion completed: $wavFilePath")
        } catch (e: IOException) {
            println("Error converting file: ${e.message}")

    fun stop() {
        isPlaying = false
        println("Audio playback stopped")

fun main() = application {
    var audioPlayer: AudioPlayer? = null

    program {
        extend {
            if (audioPlayer == null) {
                audioPlayer = AudioPlayer("C:\\videos\\godgangs\\godgangs.mp3")

        keyboard.keyDown.listen {
            if ( == "q") {

It’s really simple and experimental but it can lead somewhere. Hope somebody finds it useful. Remember to replace the file paths!


If you find things which are missing or not well documented in the guide, I would be thankful for new issues at Issues · openrndr/openrndr-guide · GitHub

All your recent questions in the forum are very useful.

Well, I’m glad I’m not just being annoying then. I really like OPENRNDR and if I had a better head for coding I’d be glad to help more.

Thanks again! Happy to use minim and not a clunky workaround.

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BTW. How did I find that example?

I didn’t remember how to play mp3, so I went into the orx folder and typed ag mp3 in the terminal to find any mentions on all text files. ag is the Silver Searcher.

There’s also rg (RipGrep) which I discovered recently and claims to be faster.

Nice, I will keep this in mind and use Silver Searcher

I rarely use more arguments than these:

ag foo . --context 5 --width 100 --kotlin

Searches in . (current dir and subdirs), showing 5 lines above and below the hit, maxiumum 100 characters (I use this if there’s minimized javascript to avoid huge blobs of text in the results) and --kotlin is to only search that file type.

Also useful:

ag --list-file-types


Just so you know: the code you pasted above returns this:

Unresolved reference: minim

I have uncommented "orx-minim", from the file, but it didn’t seem to resolve the issue. I have pasted the exact code from GitHub you have provided.

Is there anything else I’m missing?

Did you click the reload Gradle button after uncommenting the line?

no, I didn’t. sorry. it’s my 1st time using Gradle, Kotlin, IDEA etc. it works perfectly and I have already adapted it to my program. thanks a lot

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I added a Usage section to orx. Maybe it helps the next one :smile:

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