I guess “Site Feedback” is the “Meta” category where we can discuss the structure of this forum, I am just looking at the Processing Foundation and Open Frameworks forum to check their categories. How about starting with:
Installation - OPENRNDR installation seems to be the biggest challenge for beginners
Coding Questions - general questions about programming
Extensions - or ORX, but maybe extensions sounds better as something which would also cover 3rd party libraries?
Gallery - links to projects using OPENRNDR
Announcements - new releases, extensions, etc.
Community - events, workshops, etc.
Introductions - where new members can tell more about themselves
Feature Requests
OPENRNDR Development - just “development” might be confusing
And something which would be the most common category, but I don’t want to call it General, how about How To?, where people are mostly asking how to achieve something with the framework?
I suggest having a Beginners category, since that has the psychological effect of lessening the pressure when posting beginner questions. Not so sure in the need of having advanced/intermediate, since those can probably go in the other categories.
Regarding Feature Requests and OPENRNDR Development how would that play along with the repo on github?
I believe that many discussions regarding development of the framework itself will be rather performed on Slack. And I agree that Feature Requests and OPENRNDR Development overlap with issue tracking system. But still I would like to have something capturing our “dreams”. For example vulkan based rendering. Maybe someone specialized in Vulkan will discover this thread through the search engine and contribute something interesting to the discussion.
I see Github as the primary place to report issues and to make trivial feature requests. I feel the more demanding feature requests (for which often there isn’t a clear implementation plan) are better placed in a less formal setting (in my eyes Github is pretty formal setting), as there may be existing alternatives, or no need for the feature request at all.