Are there any orx-tensorflow demos to try?

Hi, I’m curious about trying the new tensorflow orx but I didn’t see any demo folders in orx/orx-jvm/orx-tensorflow/src/main/kotlin at master · openrndr/orx · GitHub

Are there any?

To make this post more colorful I’ll share an image @edwin created using the orx :slight_smile:

There is orx-tensorflow that only provides Tensorflow to OPENRNDR adapters. So tools to convert Tensors to ColorBuffers and vice versa. There is an additional project entirely that is called ORML which provides models that can be used with orx-tensorflow.

The ORML project can be found at

The repository also contains demos inside the src/demo directorties of each orml module

Thank you for the link :slight_smile:

Since it takes some effort, I thought I’ll leave here some instructions.

  1. To download cuDNN (500Mb, not open source) open
  2. Create an account and make sure to tick the “NVIDIA Developer Program Membership” checkbox. Fill forms, solve captchas.
  3. Click on the e-mail
  4. Then you can go back to the cudnn site and click download. There’s tons of them. The one suggested in the orml repo is now archived:
  5. Then choose your OS, in my case Linux:
    Hovering the links I made sure I was getting the one suggested in the orml repo ( at this time).