Missing "program.deltaSeconds" and "program.deltaTime"

I seem to not be able to use program.deltaSeconds and program.deltaTime anymore.
When I based my project on the template back in Dec22 it was accessable.

In the current openrndr-template they are not available as program attributes.
Did the API change ? Or this unintentional ?

(An obvious workaround is to recalculate it as the difference on seconds, but I am wondering why it went away)

Did other attributes move as well ?


Hi! It is intentional, there for the ViewBox feature.

If Program doesn’t have to track deltaTime it is much easier to consistently change the clock in a viewbox

When do you need it? I did for OrbitalCamera, but if you do extend(cam) it’s calculated automatically.

A workaround (as you suggested):

val deltaTime = seconds - lastSeconds
lastSeconds = seconds