Hi! I’m using the openrndr-template and compiling the latest versions of openrndr and orx.
It’s working well, but I miss one thing: to be able to ctrl+click any class to see what it offers and how it is implemented, and maybe even change it. Currently it decompiles the jar file and it shows me something, but it’s not very useful without seeing the code.
I guess doing that would involve going to Project Structure > Modules > Sources and adding the sources there somehow.
Do you recommend doing that?
Would it conflict with build.gradle.kts?
Would it make compilation slower?
ps. Another advantage of doing that is that I wouldn’t need to go to the guide or to the source folder and search there to know how to use a method, as I could easily see what it does.
We serve source jars for both ORX and OPENRNDR on bintray, especially because being able to jump into source code is really handy. Usually IntelliJ is able to detect the source jars and jumps into the code immediately. I have seen this fail in some recent versions of IntelliJ or its Kotlin plugin. In that case if it doesn’t it find the source jars it shows a decompile, but there should also be a footer in which it asks to either download the source jars or pick a source code location. For me it was enough to click on download source jar, close the tab with the decompile, and try again