At some point, if you keep adding programs to the same openrndr-template things will start to get slow in IntelliJ Idea. I have now 84 programs and 114 kotlin files and it’s quite noticeable.
I figured out a solution.
I was throwing all my programs into a package called apps. What I did:
Add a second package where to store active programs. You could call the old package archived and the new one current.
Go to File > Project Structure > Modules > main > Sources.
Right click on the package to deactivate (archived or apps in my case).
Flag it as Excluded.
That’s it. Idea will no longer look into this folder, making everything fast again. In my case it compiles faster and autocomplete is much faster too.
Note: you can move programs back and forth between both folders. Move a program into current to work on it again, throw it into archive if you’re done for now.
What do you think about this approach? Do you know better ways to improve performance on growing collections of programs? I could clone the openrndr-template template again and start from scratch, but I want to have access to all the helpers and classes I’ve built so far (my packages called math, geometry, random, etc).
I’m also using archive + libs + workbook strategy for genart project (mostly because I was compiling with K/JS and output js file was growing too fast, compiling/loading too slow).
However, on other projects (Gradle 6.5 + Kotlin 1.3.72) I’ve notices huge improvement in incremental compilation speed. I guess its because of the latest improvements in Gradle (e.g. see comparison between Gradle and Bazel).
@abe Sorry, missed notification about your message. I was using old Kotlin JS compiler with output to Canvas previously but now re-implementing it to use Skia instead.
Focused mostly on static images and data-driven result.