My latest experiment: I wanted to plot text with the axidraw. I didn’t want to use standard fonts but single stroke fonts. In Inkscape I created a bunch of squares and gave them IDs. For the letters the ID is just the same letter. For symbols and numbers I used cNN
where NN is the ascii code. For example, c48
for the zero.
Then I load that SVG from OPENRNDR creating a map of characters to shapes, searching for the shapes that are located over the square. Later I can convert any text to strokes by using that map. This is an example of how it looks like:
Creating a hand drawn font now takes me as long as writing it with my graphics tablet Now time to put it on paper!
source code // hipster text generator
ps. One reason to try OPENRNDR (as a Processing and openFrameworks user) was to find out if I could somehow be more expressive or faster, to see if the different language would enable me to express ideas or data structures in a simpler way. Now I can say that it is the case. I think that in the past the environment was sometimes slowing me down and I would spend time wrestling the computer to make it understand or the code would grow too large to express not so complex ideas. Now, after not so many weeks of experimentation, I have the strange feeling that I write something and it just works on the first run with very few lines of code. I’m not used to it but I’m happy to be in this new situation