OPENRNDR 0.4.0 + ORX 0.4.0 released!


485 commits!

That’s the number of commits in this release if I counted them correctly.

Big thank you to Edwin for the huge effort and to the RNDR Studio for creating OPENRNDR and making it Free Software :slight_smile: And thanks to everyone who contributes and uses it. It makes me happy to be part of this growing family.

:zap: ApplicationPreload

This is one feature I enjoy in OPENRNDR 0.4.0. It allowed me to add screenshots, video exporting and pressing ESC to quit to hundreds of programs in a project at once, instead of repeating the code in every program.

:zap: Video export pause and resume

Adding video exporting by default required to actually not export video until I press a key (to avoid filling my drive with video files) and then be able to start, pause and resume video exporting. This is possible thanks to the screenRecorder.outputToVideo boolean.

Both features are described in Enable Screenshots, ScreenRecorder and more in all programs by default