I am following the guide for drawing multiple vertex buffer instances.
In my code below, I am rendering 3 cubes using the same geometry, but each has a different rotation and translation:
fun main() = application {
configure {
width = 800
height = 800
program {
val boxGeometry = boxMesh(10.0, 10.0, 10.0)
val transforms = vertexBuffer(vertexFormat {
attribute("transform", VertexElementType.MATRIX44_FLOAT32)
}, 3)
extend(Orbital()) { eye = Vector3(0.0, 5.0, -30.0) }
extend {
drawer.shadeStyle = shadeStyle {
vertexTransform ="""
x_viewMatrix *= i_transform;
fragmentTransform = """
float dot_prod = dot(-va_normal, p_light);
float normalized = (1 + dot_prod) / 2;
float light = clamp(normalized, 0.0, 1.0);
x_fill.rgb = vec3(light);
parameter("light", Vector3(0.0, -1.0, 1.0))
transforms.put {
for (i in 0 until transforms.vertexCount) {
val transform = transform {
translate(-15.0 + i * 15.0, 0.0, 0.0)
rotate(Vector3.UNIT_X, i * seconds * 8)
From the screenshot, the lighting is not applied correctly (it is rotating with the geometry).
I think I need to update the x_normal
but I’m not sure how to do this based on the shader section of the guide.
Thanks for any advice.
It mostly works as expected if I change the shader code to this:
drawer.shadeStyle = shadeStyle {
vertexTransform ="""
x_viewMatrix *= i_transform;
x_viewNormalMatrix *= i_transform;
fragmentTransform = """
x_fill.rgb *= v_viewNormal.y;
parameter("light", Vector3(0.0, -1.0, 1.0))
Still not sure if this is the recommended approach.