Compute Shaders and buffers

Hallo there,
trying to find my way with compute shaders in Openrndr (I have experience with them in Unity), but the guide is particularly dense on the subject. In particular, is there a way to send/bind a general type buffer to the GPU? From the API I can see that the .buffer method of the compute shader class accepts “ShaderStorageBuffer” as well, but I have not been able to create them.
I guess the origin of the question is that encapsulating data in VertexBuffer obejcts can be quite limiting in the type of structs you can declare in the compute shader itself. Am I missing something?

I think this thread is of interest.

Thanks, I am aware of that thread: that is actually where my question originated from in the first place :slight_smile:

Courtesy of @abe for pointing it, this provides help on ShaderStorageBuffers and how to implement them

Hey! Great to see you yesterday @Alessandro :slight_smile:

I will share related code and update the guide when I have a moment.

Actually, it would be great to show you my compute shader “framework” which I used in several projects to receive some feedback or to give ideas. Maybe you find it useful. I find it good to reuse some kind of pattern to create projects using compute shaders, since they often run multiple passes, they have a gui, SSBOs etc.

Maybe the first OPENRNDR meetup in Berlin would be a good place to talk about that. @kazik suggested we meet at his studio. We just need to find a date :slight_smile:

Hey @abe :slight_smile:

Actually, it would be great to show you my compute shader “framework” which I used in several projects to receive some feedback or to give ideas. Maybe you find it useful. I find it good to reuse some kind of pattern to create projects using compute shaders, since they often run multiple passes, they have a gui, SSBOs etc.

Yes, that’s a great idea, I can surely provide feedback while learning! :slight_smile:

Maybe the first OPENRNDR meetup in Berlin would be a good place to talk about that. @kazik suggested we meet at his studio. We just need to find a date :slight_smile:

I’m definitely up for it, let’s make this happen!

Why are all the cool stuff happening in Berlin. Would love to join but live in Saarbrücken :see_no_evil:

I just opened this chat with the intention of asking you if you are in Berlin @TSAO when I read your comment! A pity that we are so far, but maybe we can organize something later :slight_smile:

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