Rectangles and Extension functions

Hi @ronenosity ! :slight_smile: welcome to the forum!

Inspired by your question I added a new reply to the thread about pen plotters:

About your question about PGS… That library seems to provide so many tools! I think OPENRNDR + ORX provide many of the same algorithms.

I would start by looking into the guide. Then there are OPENRNDR demos, demos in the ORX repository, and I think there are ORXes to keep anyone busy for a very long time :slight_smile: orx-shapes, orx-triangulation, orx-turtle, orx-marching-squares, orx-jvm/orx-boofcv…

If you are looking for a specific algorithm and can’t find it I can try to help.

Feel free to share images or links to your plots. Would be great to see what you create! :slight_smile:

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