OPENRNDR filling up computer memory and crashing | Making a variable-width line

Terve Eino! :slight_smile:

And welcome to the forum :slight_smile: There are several ways to do that. Maybe the easiest is to use orx-no-clear which allows you to draw and keep the previous content visible. That way you only draw one circle.

Or create your own RenderTarget instead (that’s what orx-no-clear does for you behind the scenes).

If you want to draw an animated morphing variable thickness line you could take this different approach, but it’s a bit more convoluted:

I’ll create an easy to use function and post it as a reply later.

ps. Feel free to share an image of what you are trying to create (here in the forum or somewhere else like if you can’t yet share images here): maybe a different approach comes to mind when I see it.
